How might we make our plans experience engaging, consistent & modular to be used repeatedly by other cult design & tech teams?

The plans widget was a very crucial conversion device for cult. However, it was used inconsistently across different cult offerings. Hence, we (design standardisation team) were asked to…

the CTR of the component by making it more interesting and engaging while weeding out any lurking UX ineffciencies.

the component so different designers can use the same structure on different offerings on the cultfit platform.

The problem.



How might we design more efficient price cards that can work for all current & future product offerings?

standardisation • VISUAL DESIGN • 2021

I worked on the project with 3 other lovely & talented people — Neelam Gulrajini (Design Lead), Shreeya Malpani (Creative Director) & Aditya Vora (Product Designer).

Team of 4.

Standardisation projects are not plain redesigns. They require deep context of the different use cases and understanding of offerings on the platform where a given component can be or is currently being used. Hence, its vital to create an inventory of different use cases and contexts in which that component will be used. We found 2 unique use cases for the Packs widget.

It all starts with making an inventory.


Value Proposition 1

Value Proposition 2

Plan • max 4 plans

Key Attribute


Strike Price

Per Attribute Value

Plan-specific Offers


Value Proposition 3

Upto 3 General Offers

Information Architecture of Plan Card

Cult Center Plans

Personal Training Plans


[max 2 digits]

[recommend adding]

[max 4 digits]



we discussed with respective team working on PT and found validity could be safely omitted.

session count

Exactly Same Component Present

Final composition should work aesthetically for 1-digit to upto 4-digit values for KEY ATTRIBUTE


We did a collaborative inspiration collection cum competitive study. Everyone collected screengrabs of the Plans experience of popular products especially, the ones in the fitness space. We collected 20+ screengrabs at one place and clustered them diligently and arrived at various different plan structures and compositions out there.

RTB — Reason to Buy

Together, we turned inspiration collection into a competitive study.

We worked solo to explore divergently from the inspirations we had gathered and shared them in the group, discussed and then co-designed to explore convergent variations.

We explored divergently in solo mode & then co-designed convergent explorations together.

I created the handoff artefacts for the developers.

We worked solo to explore divergently from the inspirations we gathered and shared them in the group, discussed and then co-designed to explore convergent variations.

The approach of showing most common RTB on the top was the most popularly used composition.


Some Observations that gave us direction:

Prices are always loud and clear. Furthermore, showing per month or per week makes the price value seem less intimidating.


The key selling attribute (usually time duration) is called out very boldly and clearly.


One plan is always recommended to the users in an attempt to ease the decision-making.


We had different plan structure so not applicable.

Many screenshots are omitted for clean presentation and reader’s comfort.

“This looks too transactional.

How can we make this more engaging?”

“The duration doesn’t stand-out enough. How can we make this more functional as well?”

“The big functional numeral also acts as a visual hook. How can we show RTBs beautifully?”

“The big numerals look fun but too artsy. Can we try to show more plans in one screen fold?”

Cult Center Plans

Personal Training Plans

(for 1 plan)