
9:41 AM


Squeeze a lemon in a couple of glasses of water and kickstart your metabolism with…

Nimbu Pani

10 MIN

Calm your waking mind with deep

breathing or meditation.

by mind.live

30 MIN

Start your day by moving around your

body with our Dance for Joy guided session

by cult.live

Break your overnight fast with a meal rich in fruits, nuts, dairy and cereals.


Apple Oatmeal

High Fiber

better digestion

Vitamin Rich immunity booster

456 kcal


Lunch can have an abundance of lentils, curries, vegetables & grains.


Chef’s Special Veg Thali

High Fiber

better digestion

Vitamin Rich immunity booster

456 kcal


Chef’s Special Veg Thali

Nostalgic healthy, homely indian food deliver indian food deliver


456 kcal


3-4 hours after breakfast

Have snacks withing 3-4 hours after lunch


Dalgona Coffee

High Fiber

better digestion

Vitamin Rich immunity booster

134 kcal


Chef’s Special Veg Thali

Nostalgic healthy, homely indian food deliver indian food deliver


456 kcal


Finish dinner 3-4 hours before bedtime


Whole Wheat Hakka Noodles

High Fiber

better digestion

Vitamin Rich immunity booster

456 kcal




Day After

Weight Loss Meal Plan

Manasa Rajan


2124 cals


2-3 litres


8-9 hours


10000 steps

Rise & Shine!

“Each morning we are born again. What we do today is what matters most.”


Have an…


Can’t wait until lunch?


Have some…


It’s been a while…



Good Going! Now have a nice sleep for…

8-9 Hours

Food as medicine

Secondary Info

How might we make it easier for users to follow the prescription and regularly track their progress so they can stay motivated?

How might we make it easier for users to follow the diet prescription?

Visual design • 2020


Since, this was a new initiative we did not have any focused research findings but only quantitative hints. So, I purchased the dietician plan myself to see the entire experience from the user’s perspective.

We discovered that the problem with the experience wasn’t just prescription accessibility but also that users found it difficult to stay motivated & know what to eat precisely everyday. It was clear that the solution should be a...

Need a lightweight Meal & Habit Tracker?

where user can track the 4 key interventions everyday & also see the suggested diet themes.

put together (& real-time controlled) by the dietician based on user’s progress.

daily user activities & enabling the dieticians to monitor user progress & intervene through chat when nevessary.


Meal Plan


I took an online dietician consultation myself to role-play the user.

Schedule Consultation

Complete Consultation

Select a Dietician on the App

Get a Prescription PDF in email

Use direct chat to schedule follow-ups

Current User Consultation journey

User selects a dietician

User books a consult

User & Dietician interact

User needs to remember the prescription

User has direct chat with the dietician for any queries & schedule follow-ups.

Expectations from the user


“I got some meal plan advise but I lost motivation after 10 days. I simply stopped setting up follow-ups.”


“I don’t know what exactly to eat everyday. I need more than just prescription. I need more than just diet themes.”


“I have to go looking for prescription again & again in my email inbox. Why can’t it be accessible from app?”


Every prescription has 5 suggested interventions.

Every meal has a diet theme that the user should follow.

The prescription always recommended 4-5 key interventions for the user to develop helpful habits and suggested diet themes for different meals with some key items to be regularly include in the meal.

Key observations from role-playing:

After repeated discussions & tweaks, the above wireframe was approved & I started designing the high fidelity clickthrough prototype. My visual exploration process could be summed up in the following diagram.

Many back & forths later, we converged on the following design.

I presented the 15-day role-playing learnings to the PM as well as the food expert. I led the project in close collaboration with the food coach who interacted with users & had strong context about user’s as well as dietician’s needs, frustrations, objectives & struggles.

Team of 3.

The IA reflected a typical conversation between the dietician & the user.

I worked closely with the food expert to understand a typical prescription plan, interventions library & edge cases & crafted an exhaustive information architecture of the plan & also discovered opportunities to leverage already existing cult.fit content on meditation, fitness & recipes to elevate the user dietician consultation experience.

Performance Summary

Habit Tracker?

Online Meditation

Metabolism Kickstarter

Quick Snack

Personalisation Space

Diet Themes

Knowledge Bite

communicates to the user about their overall habit goals quickly.

was a tempting & widely discussed idea but we chose to defer actual input capability until we achieved PMF & saw the needle moving.

class to start day in right state of mind. Recommend top 3 classes from cult’s library of 100+ meditation content pieces.

like lemon water, green tea etc help user kickstart their metabolism in the morning.

is an optional suggestion by the food coach based on the consultation. These are especially useful if the portion size is reduced for the user.

is used by the food coach to make specific fitness recommendations based on the user’s need like mobility training, walking etc.

were emphasised by the expert over meal suggestions to give a crisp idea of what proportions of macronutrients to consume.

provides useful tidbits on food and lifestyle to the user straight from cult.fit’s blog.

Land on home

Quick Action Widget


Land Directly in just 1 click!

(Browse through plan)

Click to get to eat.fit

App Launch

Click to jump to Dietician landing page

Click to access detailed plan

5 Clicks to Access Plan Flow for member!

Member —

who bought plan & completed 1 consultation

Navigation. Pick up the deferred challenge.

Since cult.fit was a super app, users required many clicks to just access the prescription page.

After multiple discussions with home page team, we converged to add accordian Quick Action widget on the home page for members so they can access today’s diet plan without any clicks. This decision was primarily taken under the pretext that this can become a habit tracker in later versions. Hence, the image has input support.

Time to prototype the wireframe.

Metabolism Kickstarter

Fitness Recommendation


controlled by coach

controlled by coach

controlled by coach


controlled by coach

controlled by coach

We had strong conviction for this solution. But we didn’t get a chance to user test it & take it forward...

Due to the Covid-19 Pandemic, cult’s online food delivery business, eat.fit had a change in priorities leading to this project getting deprioritised. Furthermore, eat.fit was rolled out as a separate company making this project irrelevant for us.






