How might we make it easier for users ordering to a new address to attentively verify it without placing the order in a rush?

User Test Finding

Many user reviews in play store and user test findings talked about deliveries to wrong address. Checkout page was a key screen for solving this problem.

I mapped the screen objectives along with its intended significance next to the relevant components to get a strong idea of information architecture in relation to the screen objective.

The Address module is on top, the most noticeable and hard-to-miss area on the screen. However, data and feedback suggests users overlook that. Connecting this to my personal experience as a user, it was evident that in a state of urgency users develop blindness to everything except the Order List.

I explored many competitors and most used these two approaches to make address noticeable.

There were two variations with specific advantages and disadvantages and we had to decide on what compromises to accept.

Together we explored a direction which made address selection an unavoidable step for the users with multiple addresses. However, introducing an extra click in the user’s regular order flow would add unecessary friction to placing an order. So we continued exploring other ways.

We explored making address selection mandatory.

Add to Cart

Address Selection (Extra Click)


Food Discovery Page


Order Tracking Experience begins…

Payment Method Selection

Complete Payment

Placing-an-order flow

It is worth noting that only the users who have multiple addresses are prone to risk of ordering to the wrong location.

“It happened a few times that I mistakenly ordered (food) at home & my friends got to enjoy the meal. I had to order again at my office.”

“I ordered food at wrong address again & then had to cancel it.”

The existing checkout page was an interesting mystery.

I studied the competitors to understand their approach.

How might we help power users avoid ordering to wrong address?

Redesign • 2020

Secondary Objective = Remind & Educate user about

Fitcash. (platform currency)

Secondary (Business) Objective = Upsell related items

Quick Add

Primary Objective = review/modify


Time Slot.

Cutlery Toggle.

Primary Objective = review/modify


Tertiary Objective = review

Billing Details.

I worked closely with a product manager for this project and was responsible for the complete checkout design experience.

I led solo.

Address is highlighted very strongly and placed before the item list.

Address is shown on a persistent sticky bottom right next to the action button.

Bottom sticky covers a lot of screen in the left exploration.

Bottom sticky leaves comfortable view port for scrollable content while allowing a smooth and linear eye gaze for the user. Since the address & delivery slot are in close proximity to the ‘Pay’ action user would notice them without fail.

finding a balance between the two

We converged on having a persistent address and time slot next to the action.

We noticed marked reduction in support tickets related to misdeliveries due to wrong address.

Due to the Covid-19 Pandemic, online food delivery business plummeted which reduced the reliability of the data. However, over a period of 8+ months we saw a appreciable reduction in support tickets due to misdeliveries to wrong address.


Add to Cart


Food Discovery Page


Order Tracking Experience begins…

Payment Method Selection

Complete Payment

Placing-an-order user flow




